überlube | Good to Go


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Silicone Slickness for Sex, Style, and Sport

slick, sexy silicone lubricant is a high performance product recommended by top physicians, athletes and hairstylists. (We don't know of any other lube that can claim that.)  Uberlube feels amazingly silky and performs as long as you're using it. When überlube stops being manipulated, it starts to dissipate, leaving skin soft and moisturized, never wet or sticky.

High performance, long lasting, with a fantastic finish that is super hot in the bedroom is also used in high-end salons as a brilliant smoothing, finishing, and anti-frizz hair product.  As if all of this weren't enough, athletes use überlube for running, biking, and swimming to eliminate chaffing. Instead of just being slippery, uberlube is designed to transfer sensation while reducing friction.  Not just a lube, überlube loves your whole body. Indeed.

Note: The fantastic and portable design. There is no reason to hide überlube in a drawer and you likely will not want to.

Available in:
• refillable case + 15ml insert (in silver, red, or matte gold) - just added hot pink and white
• cartridge refills (2)


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