How To Stop Premature Ejaculation Naturally (Without Pills) So You Can Last Longer & Enjoy Your Sex Life Again

While coming early might help you get ahead at work, it’s not such an advantage in the bedroom. In fact, it may just be the most frustrating thing in the world.

Premature ejaculation, or PE, is when a person doesn’t have control over their ejaculations, so they happen early and result in sexual dissatisfaction for them and their partner. Premature ejaculation can happen in as little as 30 seconds to a minute—sometimes before penetration even occurs.

To put it in context, the average time it takes a person with a penis to climax ranges from two to three minutes.

That’s all.

So if you’re comparing your lovemaking to the salacious scenes in your favorite erotic film, you may not have a thing to worry about.

But, if you find that time and again, you’re stymied by quickly reaching the end OR if you simply want to last longer, read on. There’s lots you can do to to address PE before it becomes a real problem in the bedroom.

Premature ejaculation may cause you to feel ashamed or embarrassed, just remember that it happens more often and to more people than you know.  

Premature ejaculation is actually a common problem.  According to a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, approximately 30% of men will experience it at least some point in their lives.

The causes of PE vary from person to person.

The issue could be chemical—men who have low levels of chemical serotonin in their brains tend to take a shorter time to ejaculate.

The problem could be emotional, due to stress, depression, performance anxiety, guilt, or relationship problems.

Of course premature ejaculation can also contribute to feelings of anxiety and low self-esteem, so it’s important to properly address the emotional component of PE in order to truly find a solution.

In older men, premature ejaculation could also be a sign of erectile dysfunction. So if you find that you have trouble lasting AND getting an erection, it’s wise to take a trip to see your doctor. Often a quick blood test can examine your testosterone levels and you’ll have part of your answer in hand.

Something else to know is that there are two types of PE — lifelong and acquired.

If you’ve had past sexual relationships where ejaculatory timing wasn’t a problem, it’s likely that the PE you’re dealing with now is relationship or situationally dependent. In other words, when you get to the root of what’s causing you to either climax too quickly, you may find that the problem goes away.


Now that you know the causes of premature ejaculation, let’s look at how to stop it.

Likely you’ve seen loads of ads on the internet offering magic pills guaranteed to let you run a sexual marathon. Setting aside a 4-hour chemical fix, here are some real solutions to help get you going all night long.

Start and Stop: Also called “edging,” the start and stop method is a classic way to train yourself to last longer. You and your partner should stimulate your penis until you feel like you’re about to ejaculate. Then stop everything until the feeling of orgasm passes, and start the stimulation again.

Continue this for as long as you and your partner like before you’re ready to finish. The more times you do this, the better you’ll become at delaying your ejaculation. It’s also fun foreplay!

Take turns: If your partner is going to orgasm quickly from penetration, you might just need to make sure you get yours before he gets his. If you’re not already working oral or clitoral stimulation into your foreplay, suggest it and teach your partner how to bring you to completion before penetrative sex.

If your foreplay tends to stop before you finish, challenge your partner to help you reach your climax before you transition to intercourse. You can also introduce the idea of trying new things or games that place the concentration on your pleasure in order to develop a routine for both of you that includes orgasms on both sides.

Change positions: Part of the “start and stop” method can include changing positions when you feel yourself approaching the point of no return. If you’re used to finishing quickly in missionary, try switching so your partner is on top and can control their speed and pressure depending on how close they see you getting. Then switch again! Slowing down, pausing, and trying different angles can lengthen the amount of time between when you get hard and you finish.

Solo action: Edging is something you can practice on your own, too. Try out different lubes, masturbating with a wet hand versus a dry hand, or alter the sensory experience in other ways in order to build control over your ejaculatory reflex. You can also try making sure you masturbate a few hours before you plan to have sex — this will also help you last longer, since there tends to be less sensitivity during a second round.

Wearing the right condom: We all know wearing a condom is an important part of sexual safety, but many are unaware that condoms can also help you last longer in bed.

Certain brands, like Durex Prolong or Pasante Infinity, contain desensitizing lube designed to gently numb the head of the penis and help you last longer.

If you already have a favorite condom (or need a smaller or larger than standard condom), a desentizing spray or gel are really your only solutions. You can use your preferred condom with desensitizing spray like Promescent to achieve the same effect without sacrificing on fit.

And what’s amazing about Promescent is that you can spray it once or multiple times to get the exact reduction in sensitivity that you need. If you

If you’re not sure you’re wearing the right condom, that could also be contributing to your premature ejaculation. If the condom you wearing it too small or tight, it can squeeze your penis, making you climax sooner than expected. Finding the right condom size can solve many sexual health issues and increase you and your partner’s pleasure.

Try toys: There are a handful of sex toys on the market that are either specifically designed to help with PE or have the pleasant side-effect of helping you last longer. Prolong is a special vibrator that is intended for use with a six-week “climax control program” in order to train your ejaculatory reflex.

Some people report success delaying orgasm by using penis rings to restrict the flow of blood and maintain a longer, harder erection. (The caveat: penis rings absolutely should not be worn longer than 30 minutes, so try this one out carefully!)

Communicate with your partner: This may sound like lame advice, but if you were willing to take pills you got off a Russian website, or think about long-division during sex, you might as well try communication. Whether you like it or not, sex is tied with emotions, so if you’re having troubles outside the bedroom, you’re going to have problems in the bedroom.

If premature ejaculations is a new problem for you, ask yourself what has changed in your life. Have you been depressed lately? Are you entering a new relationship? Are you having problems with your partner? It’s good to get these issues out in the open, not only for the sake of your sex life but for your mental and emotional health, too.

Premature ejaculation can be frustrating for both parties, but if you are working together to solve it, you may find your relationship to be stronger than before.

Kegels: they aren’t just for ladies anymore! Kegel exercises can be a great way to train the pubococcygeus (PC) muscle which contracts during orgasm. Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles is one of the key ingredients in better ejaculatory control.

To locate your PC muscle, the next time you pee, tense up and interrupt the flow. Congrats—you’re clenching your PC muscle.

To strengthen it, practice doing ten sets of Kegels three times a day. If it starts to feel sore, take a break. You shouldn't feel pain, just a tensing of the muscle. Any worries, talk to your doctor. 

Stopping premature ejaculation is a goal that many couples share. The key is to remember that there’s no shame in it. Premature ejaculation is something almost all men experience at some point, and there are plenty of workarounds to make sure you’re both satisfied.

Try these tips and see which ones work best for you. Sometimes a mix of them all can make your bedroom play the absolute best!

And if you’re new to desensitizing products and have questions, we’re always available to help you with whatever you need to get lucky. Email and we’ll point you in the right direction.