If you just googled: "Which condom is best for me?" You've arrived at the perfect place.
Read on, for the knowledge you need to select the best (most pleasurable) condoms for you and your partner.
Here at Lucky Bloke we know one thing to true, having sex with the wrong size condom is a guaranteed way to blow it. After all, anatomy aside, sex is a mental game.
If you’re in a committed relationship, both you and your partner are STD-free, even with another form of birth control, condoms can still come in handy for a variety of situations, both practical and pleasurable!
In the movie I Love You, Man Sydney (Jason Segel) shows Peter (Paul Rudd) his self-described “jerk-off-with-condom-station”. Peter is surprised to see condoms included. “I wear condoms when I masturbate. They decrease sensitivity so I can last longer. And there’s no sticky mess to clean up!”
Truth be told, we prefer the term “internal” condoms, since these barrier condoms are useful to folks of all genders. You’ve probably heard them called female condoms — assuming you’ve heard of them at all.
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